Being a good teacher is not always the most glorious thing a person can do. Teaching takes a lot of planning, energy, and awareness of what the students need. If the teacher is ready for all this and walks into the classroom with confidence and energy, the students will want to learn, and the class is off to a flying start!
One of the most important jobs of the teacher is to plan and be prepared. Make sure you know and have confidence in what you are teaching; however, don’t be afraid to makes mistakes. After all, we learn from our mistakes!
Being full of energy is not always easy but is a definite must! If a student’s walk into a room where the teacher is very dull and talks in monotone acting like all he/she cares about is getting through the day, the students won’t want to learn. They’ll go to every extent to interrupt and harass you. The best way to be successful is to walk into a classroom with a smile and a ton of energy.
The most important job for a teacher is to be aware of each student and his/her separate needs. Treat each person as an individual and don’t prejudge anyone no matter what others say about him/her. You must make sure the students know you care about them, and that they can trust you!

As a teacher, if you take these three easy steps-planning, being full of energy, and being aware of the students needs–your classroom will become a positive place where everyone will be eager to learn. Throughout your teaching career, when you feel like quitting, remember that in the end the rewards make up for all the pain and torture.